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Why Tether? An Introduction to Tethering with Scott Diussa – April 15th


(In Stock)

SKU: DRVB58330980014 Category:

If you want to tether with or without cables and understand the differences, then this class is for you. In this program Tether Tools, Scott Diussa will go over the basics of tethering your camera to your computer and the advantages of tethering wirelessly with the AirDirect and wired tethering solutions as well.

Topics that are covered are Tether Pro cables, AirDirect wireless tethering system, Tether Tables and ONSite Power options for keeping your shoot going when there is no power. This class will give you a good foundation for what you need to be shooting tethered. Depending on if you need speed or flexibility, this class will also give you a clear understanding of the tethering options available.

Learn more about Scott:

Scott Diussa is a photographer, teacher, musician and traveler. He is a graduate of the Southeast Center for Photographic Studies at Daytona Beach College in Florida with a degree in Commercial Photography. His first position out of school was teaching photography at the Disney Institute at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. From there he joined Nikon and held five positions over twenty years all centered around photographic education for photographers.

Scott has taught thousands of photographers in the areas of concert photography, video and audio, basic photography and travel photography. Scott is the Technical Sales Engineer at Imaging Brands which is the parent company to Tether Tools.


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